Buzz Marketplace Logo Marketplace

Reach more shoppers with Marketplace

Easily design and launch a professional customized store and get discovered by millions of shoppers.

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Social Commerce

Social Commerce

Your Marketplace store allows access to millions of built-in customers. The social marketplace is a simple but powerful way to get discovered by new customers.

Customizable Shopfront

In just minutes, easily design and launch a professional customized store that looks like your business. You have complete flexibility over your shop’s unique branding.

Learn about Buzz' blogging functionality
Customizable Shopfront
Manage Inventory

Manage Your Store Inventory

Our powerful inventory management features give you flexibility and control. Assign SKUs, product variants, multiple product images, categories and subcategories and a host of pricing options that help you convert visitors into customers.

Promote Your Business Across Markets

Markets are groups of stores that have similarities and when used properly is a great way to increase the exposure of your products.

Promote Business
Sales Event

Buzz Marketplace Sales Events

Sales events are the perfect way to increase visibility of your products in the marketplace, and incentivize new and repeat customers by offering automatic discounts on your products. Sales Events are promoted on our most highest traffic pages!

Additional Marketplace features baked into our platform

Featured Products

Featured Area Products

Run donation pages, crowdfunding, and peer to peer fundraising in less time, without hassle.


Store Collections

With the easiest integration, quickly go live with Buzz and experience the future of payments.


Powerful search engine

Offer your customers subscription plans with automated recurring transactions on various payment modes


Customer wish lists

Create and send invoices that your customers can pay online instantly. Get paid faster and improve your cash flow.


Customer reviews

Retain customers and improve trust by issuing payment gateway refunds instantly.


SEO friendly

Share payment links via email, SMS, messenger, WhatsApp etc. & get paid immediately.

Start Selling
Online Today.

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