Donations Donations & Crowdfunding

Let's Grow Your Impact Together

Fundraising for NGOs is easier than ever! Run online campaigns, engage in crowdfunding, collect both single & recurring donations, all using one simple-to-manage application.

Try Buzz For Free
Simplify Fundraising

Quick & Easy Patron Engagement

Simplify Your Fundraising Processes

Our platform makes managing donors a breeze! Need to cancel a recurring plan or issue a refund? No problem! Control how you communicate with your benefactors using our custom receipt builder and truly convey your gratitude for their generosity.

Increase Brand Visibility For Your Cause

Customize Your Donation Campaigns

Match your campaign to your organization’s identity by controlling the colours, photos, layout, fields, and domain name. Optimize your marketing efforts by ensuring donors clearly identify your trusted name.

Donation Customizing
Increase Donation Revenue

Benefit From Rich Data

Streamline Your Revenue Management

Make reporting easy for your management, finance, marketing, and other teams. Use customizable fields and columns to filter your donation collection data to keep track of goals.

Additional Donations features baked into our platform

Social Link Sharing

Social Media & Email Sharing

Easily share payable campaign links via your website, Facebook, Twitter, email, QR Code, & more!

Donation Receipts

Automatic Donation Receipts

Send personalized thank you emails to donors instantly, so they always know their generosity is appreciated.

More Generosity

Access More Generosity

Accept global payments. You can also ask donors to cover the platform and processing fees. Many will opt-in!

Fund Disbursements

Fast Fund Disbursements

Access direct deposits to your NGO’s bank account in days instead of weeks.

Smart Notifications

Get Smart Notifications

Automatically send customizable email alerts & summaries of donation activity to team members.

Admin Management

Administrative Management

No middle man here. You control all the details of your campaign via an easy to use admin portal.

Start collecting
Debit & Credit card
payments today

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