
Formerly the Siparia Junior Secondary School, Siparia East Secondary School was established by the Ministry of Education in the year 2005. The community from which the school draws its students is a diverse one. It is multiracial, multi-religious, multi-cultural and a true reflection of the wider society of Trinidad and Tobago.

Our Motto “Sapere aude” is a Latin phrase meaning "dare to be wise". Originally used by Horace, – epitomizes the true spirit of the Siparia East Secondary student. Teamwork and community involvement are all part of the ethos of the school.

Our students are therefore encouraged to participate in a number of co and extra curricular activities as well as do volunteer work in their respective communities.

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Available Rooms

Double Room

Prices are per room.
Included 12% Vat. Not Included $1.21 city tax per person per night.

Today's Price


Double Room

Prices are per room.
Included 12% Vat. Not Included $1.21 city tax per person per night.

Today's Price


Double Room

Prices are per room.
Included 12% Vat. Not Included $1.21 city tax per person per night.

Today's Price



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