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L'eau Michel Beach and Volcano Tour


Structurally, Trinidad is Continental in nature, and the geology of the South is different to that of the North. Jurassic rocks made up of phyllites, quartzites and limestone occurs in the North Range and within the mountainous landscape there are waterfalls. In the south the rock formation is referred to as argillite and composes of Herrera sands, grey silty clays and lignite beds. There are numerous mud volcanoes and within the burnt clays or porcellanites are oil deposits. A volcano of particular interest is L’eau Michel (pronounced La Moshell) located at Bunsee Trace opposite the 9km sign post on the Penal Rock Road. The hike to see the volcano will take an hour and a hidden gen 30 minutes further along the path is L’eau Michel Beach. The trail has a sticky type of clay called Sapata and passes through abandon sugar cane plantation and teak forest. The terrain consists of rolling hills and gentle inclines with exposure to the sun. It is advisable to carry at least 2 litres of water and a hat for sun shade. A large hog plum tree is a prominent landmark to the volcano’s entrance. Around the volcano, the mud spills or tassik is circular and semi solid, covering an area of an acre. The mud flows horizontally, with bubbles coming out from the active vents, and the cone is wide rather than high. Caution! When stepping around the liquid mud which is like quick-sand and can cause one to sink and disappear. On Saturday 28th June’13, Fitness Walkers trek to L’eau Michel Beach and Volcano. Assembly: 6.30am Eric Williams Medical complex Mt.Hope Depart at 7.30am or 8.00 am end of Sir Solomon Hochoy Highway, Galconda Road exit. Rating: 4 moderate Hiking time 1 ½ hours For details contact Mario 749-2956 or


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