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Green Screen Film Festival 2016: San Antonio Farms Screening


Green Screen 2016: The Big Picture

GREEN SCREEN is now a full Film Festival! The annual series that has brought movies on environmental and sustainability issues to local audiences since 2011 is now fully fledged, and this year’s schedule of activities (November 1-12) will offer much more than movies.

Sustain T&T, the not-for-profit organisation that produces Green Screen, has once again selected a slate of relevant, diverse, impactful and critically-acclaimed movies that are not to be missed.

This year’s theme is The Big Picture. A special event by the same name will invite environmental stakeholders and the public at large to take stock of issues such as sustainable development, waste and water management, food production and climate change, and assess the way forward to achieving desirable goals for the nation at large.

Film events will take place at San Antonio Farms in Santa Cruz, where patrons will partake of a sumptuous locally-sourced dinner in collaboration with Our
Moving Table.

NOVEMBER 5TH: 5pm | $400

. Bright Spot | 23'

. My Father's Land | 62;

. Cocktails + Locally Sourced Dinner with Our Moving Table

Great films, open air and fine food will make for a memorable evening as Green Screen The Environmental Film Festival teams up with Our Moving Table for a candleit dinner and screening under the stars.

Our Moving Table, a roaming supper club, is a collaboration between Chef Sonja Sinaswee and D'Market Movers, an online produce delivery service.

Meet us at the idyllic San Antonio Farms, Santa Cruz on Saturday November 5th from 5 pm. Guests will enjoy cocktails and a sumptuous, locally sourced dinner, along with the films Bright Spot and My Father's Land.

Tickets: TT $400
For bookings please call 497-7006 or email [email protected]

For mor information on the festival visit

The Green Screen Film Festival 2016 is presented with the support of The German Embassy of Port of Spain. 

 Sponsors also include The Trinidad and Tobago Film Company, Sagicor General, Guardian Media, Atlantic and Vemco.

Our partners this year include Culturego, Drink! Lounge and Bistro, Bocas Lit Fest, North Eleven, Medulla Art Gallery, Animae Caribe Animation and Digital Media Festival and the trinidad + tobago film festival. Tickets for our Benefit Launch are now available, click on the link to get yours


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